All posts tagged: eastern shore

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Les Franklin

“The best adventures to me or rather the ones I enjoy most are unpredictable…I’m a rather impulsive person so there are days when I’m in my car heading nowhere in particular and I’ll see a spot in the trees that looks “picturesque” and I’ll pull over and take a walk if weather and traffic permits… It’s been times when I’ve been on my way to a friend’s and I’ll get sidetracked walking down a train track or through a small forest…What sparks my curiosity most is going towards a place I’ve never been, seeing an area that’s unfamiliar to me… In my favorite movies during death scenes, the people who love the character the most always attempt to pull him or her back from the light…You know your experience, your full life over and then you’re given a tunnel with a light towards which to follow…In life, I like to take those tunnels and attempt to reach that light that’s ahead before time escapes me…” – Les Franklin AKA @l.franklin     014/100 of #100DaysofConfessions …