All posts tagged: a traveling life

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Brianne Miers

“Even though I’ve never really had a lot of money – with school loans, going to graduate school full-time and working mostly for non-profits – I’ve always made travel a priority. For as long as I can remember, I’ve preferred to spend what money I do have on new experiences instead of material possessions. This philosophy has allowed me to see a lot of the world, meet a lot of fascinating people and make a lot of memories that will keep me smiling well into old age – from sharing a seat with an armadillo on a bus in Belize to drinking wine on the banks of Seine with a handsome Parisian man. On the flip side, I drive a 2003 Honda Civic.” – Brianne Miers AKA @brimiers   015/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project